The Atheist Experience: Weekly show created by the Atheist Community of Austin that promotes positive atheist culture and the separation of church and state.
Mormon Stories: Mormon Stories podcast seeks to understand, explore, challenge, and improve the Mormon experience through stories.
The CES Letter: one Latter-Day Saint's honest quest to get official answers from the LDS Church on its troubling origins, history, and practices.
Secular Therapy Project: Network of clients seeking therapists who use state-of-the-art, non-religious methods.
Exmormon Subreddit: A place to discuss, share stories, and seek answers.
LDS Gopel Topic Essays: Official LDS essays about controversial church history and teachings. Originally intended to promote transparency within the church regarding unusual claims and questionable topics, but most members of the church who actually read and study these essays end up losing their faith or eventually resigning.
Mormon Faith Crisis: a comprehensive online support guide and set of resources for Mormons in faith crisis.
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